A very warm welcome to St Peter’s Wolvercote website

St Peter’s is here to serve our local community of Upper and Lower Wolvercote, and the area around the north Ring Road - all part of our far flung and slightly fragmented parish!

Above all we want to be an inclusive and friendly church family, welcoming all regardless of age, culture or lifestyle.

We hope you find the information you need here. Sign up for our regular news on the dedicated News Page or download our Data Consent Form so we can keep in touch. Alternatively, contact the Parish Administrator or call 01865 452164. The Parish Office is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, from 9am to 1pm.


You can download the Sunday 8am or 10am service sheets formatted for printing (links below) The weekly collect, readings and post-communion prayer (the 'readings') is available as a printed sheet in church or to download..

Sunday 14 July - Seventh Sunday after Trinity download or view readings
8am Said Eucharist
download or view service booklet
10am All-Age service with communion download or view service booklet 12 noon Holy Communion (BCP) download or view service booklet 7pm Second Sunday service

Further ahead Sun 21, 10am Benefice Confirmation Service with Bishop Steven

Clergy are always available for pastoral support. Go to the People page to find out who in the Ministry team to contact, or to ask our Children and Families Worker to be in touch. We are here to listen and help if you are worried or upset about something that’s happening, or has happened to you or someone you know. Go to our dedicated Safeguarding page where you will also find advice detailing what to do if you think a child is at risk of abuse or neglect.


St Peter's Wolvercote and All Saints' Wytham together comprise the Benefice of Wolvercote and Wytham.

Summertown Wolvercote Wytham Church Partnership

St Peter's is one of four Churches in the Summertown Wolvercote Wytham Church Partnership. Go to the Partnership’s dedicated website to learn more.